Friday 28 October 2011

Blindness and Sight !!

I know I can't see
And please don't feel sad for me
I rather feel pity for you
what you've got
when you can see the
flamboyant world?

I can't see
anybody getting hurt
But you can,
you can do bad of your own people
while looking into their eyes
that much guts you have
don't you?
you see people getting beaten up
but you don't come forward to help them
and yes, you have  lame excuses
for all your wrong doings
don't you?

I can't see
anybody yelling in acute pain
but you can
and you rape
you mutilate
you slaughter remorselessly
you've become merely a zombie
your eyes  have become cold and callous
you don't feel pain anymore
like I do
that's why
please don't feel sad for me
I rather feel pity for you


  1. ohh good one.... inciting :)

    Weakest LINK

  2. To see and hurt is much more saddening for sure.. and even to the pain we cause, we turn a blind eye. Sad that we pity the blind, if we do, we shd be pitying ourselves too then, eh?

    Powerful poem!

    Leo @ I Rhyme Without Reason

  3. Troubles and despair give a certain strength!
    that only helps us see the world differently!

  4. @Rachit- You're always there to give a fillip to my posts. Thanks ..
    @Leo- Ya! we should pity ourselves that we're perverting such a wonderful creation of God !!
    @ Priyanka-You comprehended the poem more than I could :)
    @ Rose- Thanks Di !!

  5. Oh this was damn beautiful! Keep it up!


  6. A thought-provoking post compelling human soul to react.

  7. Fabulous!!:-) Keep posting more frequently please..:-)

  8. the cry of a broken heart.. each line hits d spot..

  9. @Soumya- Thanks !!
    @Neeraj- I'm glad.. It did :-)
    @Rahul- Sure !! I'll try .
    @Saheer- thanks a lot for commenting
