Monday 5 December 2011

The Slut

The world has blindfolded my eyes
where darkness is what I can see
they say
'tomorrow is another day'
but I know these scars 
will never let me live free

how time was so vindictive to me
you'd never ever know
I was like you once
full of innocence, flawless
but now I'm breathing shallow 

Now that 
I grew tired of your pain
My fate galls my veins
It's been long yet I can't acclimate
there is no way to move
hard to breathe
I'm unleashed 
yet, I suffocate

You wouldn't know
how it feels
when you call me a SLUT
you splinter me,
stab me
inexplicable indeed, how it hurts
I abstain myself from all that you have
but how do I ensure myself
from falling in love?


  1. A very nicely written one.
    People often tease and separate Sluts, and many other people, but they forget that even these few were innocents sometimes and what made them like this might/might not have some serious situations behind it....
    people can only tease and taunt others, but can never feel other's pain....

  2. the creativity at its best :)
    Weakest LINK

  3. @Venkateswaran- I know that's too bad of us !! Some girls do it for the sake of it but for some it's their compulsion and I guess we are old enough to understand it !! thanks for commenting !!
    SUB- Well, that's really my privilege to receive comment from you !!
    Rachit- Thanks thanks Rachit :)
    @Rahul- thank you so much :) :)

  4. As imperfect humans, we have a tendency to judge & make assumptions when we don't know the full facts.
    Nicely expressed.
    Thanks for sharing.

    For ref:
    My Wife, My Priceless Jewel

  5. Well, it was your pretty pic on the Bloggers page that made me click on it (quite a guy thing):P

    But I must say I wasn't at all disappointed. A well-written expression of being the wronged one and yet being called wrong.

    Give a click:
    Pro Pulse

  6. It is a sensitive topic. "Slut" reflects vulgarity in society but you drew a fine line and presented it beautifully.

  7. @Andy-and I guess this imperfectness will never turn into perfectionism !! We are inclined to be judgmental which itself isn't justified :( thanks !!

    @Prosenjeet - Well, that's being honest (quite not a guy thing) :P and I'm glad that I didn't disappoint you :) thanks for commenting..Yes, I am thankful to my pic that brought you here :D

    Thank you ever so Prateek :)

  8. Your best, I've read! :)
    Sharing it!

  9. @Sourav-I'm happy that you liked it :):) and thanks for sharing it :):)
