Monday 5 December 2011

The Slut

The world has blindfolded my eyes
where darkness is what I can see
they say
'tomorrow is another day'
but I know these scars 
will never let me live free

how time was so vindictive to me
you'd never ever know
I was like you once
full of innocence, flawless
but now I'm breathing shallow 

Now that 
I grew tired of your pain
My fate galls my veins
It's been long yet I can't acclimate
there is no way to move
hard to breathe
I'm unleashed 
yet, I suffocate

You wouldn't know
how it feels
when you call me a SLUT
you splinter me,
stab me
inexplicable indeed, how it hurts
I abstain myself from all that you have
but how do I ensure myself
from falling in love?

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Inside of Me

Well, here I am
Strong enough not to be broken
My brain talks practical

With my confidence
I can prove myriad of your truths
A plain falsehood

I can dare to shatter your fantasies
with my only blink

My beauty can fill you with modesty
and then abandon you in emptiness

I'm so very harsh
that I can make you smolder 
in my scorching sight

But if you ever peek inside me
you'll find me timid
and scared,
Scared of You
whom you make
the chief of all deities 
and let find herself on your feet
howling for eternal memories
which you leave behind ..!!

Friday 28 October 2011

Blindness and Sight !!

I know I can't see
And please don't feel sad for me
I rather feel pity for you
what you've got
when you can see the
flamboyant world?

I can't see
anybody getting hurt
But you can,
you can do bad of your own people
while looking into their eyes
that much guts you have
don't you?
you see people getting beaten up
but you don't come forward to help them
and yes, you have  lame excuses
for all your wrong doings
don't you?

I can't see
anybody yelling in acute pain
but you can
and you rape
you mutilate
you slaughter remorselessly
you've become merely a zombie
your eyes  have become cold and callous
you don't feel pain anymore
like I do
that's why
please don't feel sad for me
I rather feel pity for you

Thursday 16 June 2011


I'm tired of crying
seeing you lying
enduring the pain which you gave
Deceiving me by your false promises
I'm not strong enough to hear  that
You don't love me anymore
This is leaving me completely choked
I put you on pedestal
please don't prove it my vanity
I loved you like crazy
Don't call it sheer insanity
You're leaving me in lurch
when I need to be compressed
You're breaking me into pieces
I should rather get stabbed
It's indeed difficult to comprehend
After seeing your real face
why I still can't let you go away
hoping you to return one day
why do I still want to hold you back
seeing me busting up in wreck
why am I still waiting for your healing words
and thinking you might love me again . . .

Thursday 2 June 2011


Hey honey
Just wanted to tell you what I feel for you
I loved you then and I love you now
there is something in your embrace which is not letting me depart
your perceptibility is stuck like glue
the touch of your hands in blue
I plume myself that you were mine
you were the shaft who let me shine
the recite of going away from you is suffocating me
the promise of being with you always "my baby" is shattering
I may not be there with you to share your victory
this time I  can't elude myself  by giving some stupid alibi 
I can't touch , hug and kiss you again maybe
It's smothering me and driving me crazy
I may not be there to wipe your tears this time
and I don't have any excuse to accept my crime
But Honey don't forget that someone , somewhere
loved you then and loves you now . .

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Days pass by somehow
But nights now are a wagon of pain
Injuries may heal with time
but marks will always remain
restless on my comfortable bed
I toss and turn and try to sleep
But thoughts are bulking my head
And have formed a huge heap
The past is flashing its scorching light beams
Tearing me apart, breaking me at the seams
The darkness of my life is more visible in dark
And now I am trying to give it a voice, trying to speak my heart..

Saturday 28 May 2011

I AM !

I am stiff but easily placable; 
gritted but anxious;
tranquil but restrainer;
and I know at times I talk nuisance
it's not elusive to comprehend me
but intricate to endure me,
I am aspired but a bit cowed
sheerly mired in figuring me out!